
Saturday, March 3, 2012

20 Months

I can't believe that Brooke is already 20 months old. She has so much personality for such a little person. I wish that I had more pictures of her around this time, but she is on the move. She really is such a busy kid. She loves puzzles, the dogs, her stroller, books and so many more things. When I got her dressed for school today; I thought she looked like such a grown up little girl instead of a baby. She is wearing size 18-24 month clothing now. The tops actually need to be a 2T because her torso is so long. I have to keep onesies on her so she doesn't show her belly. Another reason for keeping her in onesies is that she has ringworm on her tummy. I noticed the spots shortly after she started her antibiotic; so we thought it was just a reaction to the medicine. Ten days later the spots were not any better so I took her back to the Dr. He quickly confirmed it as ringworm and told me it is very common. I was freaking out, thinking she actually had worms in her skin. He prescribed OTC Lotramin and it is doing the trick. He also diagnosed her with 2 more kinds of eczema on her back and tummy, poor thing. He recommended applying cortisone cream twice a day. Other than the skin issues, Brooke is doing great. She is learning new words daily and is quite the talker. She loves to skype with her Grammy and talk on the phone. She is a great eater; she loves almost everything you make for her. She is still a great sleeper averaging 12 hours a night. We are hoping to move her to a toddler bed next month. Stayed tuned for that post! She loves her friends at school and her buddies from the podiatry program. She is definitely a social butterfly. She stands in the window at our house and watches for the girls across the street to get home from school. She loves to play with them too. She gives the sweetest hugs and kisses; especially when she is stalling before bed. She loves to brush her teeth and wash her hands. Hooray for good hygiene. Although, she also loves to splash in mud and water puddles in our street. She will ask to put on her boots and play outside any chance she gets. She loves to watch for the mail truck and go outside to get her letters from Ron the mailman. She's going to be bummed when we move and have cluster mailboxes at the end of the street. She weighs 24 pounds, wears a size 2T and size 5 shoes. We have been talking more about her little sister; baby Annabelle. She will ask to see my belly so she can give Annabelle a kiss; so sweet! I know she is going to be a great big sister. We are so happy and blessed to have Brooke in our lives. She keeps us on our toes but we love her to pieces. Love you Brooke!

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