
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Brooke's new school

We made a very tough decision to move Brooke from Primrose last month. She was starting to have separations issues and didn't enjoy being at school. Thankfully, a neighbor recommended a preschool academy, Bright Star,
that was right across the street. I went to interview and tour and the school and instantly knew it was the right place for Brooke. Brooke and I went to meet her class on the last Friday in July. I stayed with her in class for a several hours. Her teach, Mrs. Jessette is smart, fun and wonderful with managing a group of 3's. I was so impressed with the amount of activities and learning she could do and keep the group in control. The school has a cafeteria where all kids eat lunch. They have a science room with pets, an indoor and outdoor playground and their own splash pad. They also have a music teacher that comes in twice a month to teach music to all the children. Brooke has to wear a uniform at this school. I think she actually likes that part. Her school has a big and little door at the front entrance. She is very proud to go in the little door all by herself. I am so glad we were able to get her registered at this new school. Here are a few of her artwork items from the last month at Primrose.

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