
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bumbo Seat and Activity Mat

Brooke has become much more active in the last week. She really likes to kick her legs and reach for things. I have started putting her on the activity mat every minoring after I start work. She loves to play on her activity mat. She coos, kicks and legs and reaches for the hanging toys. I try to put her on her tummy to start out, but she just rolls right over onto her back.
I also put her in the Bumbo seat for the first time this week. She went through a variety of expressions. She started out kind of serious and even a little bit angry looking. Then she relaxed and decided it was a fun place to sit. She hasn't done any big belly laughs yet but I know they are coming soon. I am impressed that she can hold her head up so well.
Lastly, I accidentally put a newborn diaper on Brooke this afternoon. She did her usual giant daily poo and I wondered why it smelled so strong. I picked her up and was shocked to see that it had leaked all the way through her diaper and outfit. It was a definite poo blowout. She belongs in size one diapers.

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