
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Weekend with Uncle Ryan

Ryan came to help out with Brooke for the weekend. He was great to play and play and play some more with Brooke. He was also a big help to drive us to Annabelle's dr. appointment and help to carry her carseat. Brooke loves to have visitors, especially visitors that will play with her. So, she really enjoyed her time with Uncle Ryan. On Friday night we gave Ryan the night off and headed to birthday party for Jacob. It was the perfect weather to be outside. Brooke had a great time jumping on the trampoline and playing with the bubbles. Annabelle slept the whole party. On Saturday night we babysat Christian so Pete and Lindsey could go to the Pirates game with his new fellowship group. They had the best time playing hockey, dancing in the basement and taking a bath. Thanks to Lindsey for bringing Chinese food too! We were sad to say goodbye to Uncle Ryan on Sunday, but so thankful to have his help for the weekend.

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